Course Content
Course Content
1) Introduction - 1.3 Hrs
i) Why should you be Offensive Security Pentester
ii) Whom it is for
iii) Advantage of having skill and knowledge
iv) Structure of course
v) What is Capture the flag
vi) Linux Basics
vii) Reporting
2) Kali Linux – 2.3 Hrs
i) What is kali linux
ii) How to set it up
iii) Automating the task
a. Bash scripting
b. Basic python understanding
iv) Important tools and understanding
v) Writing you own bash script
vi) Shells (Bind and Reverse Shell)
3) Information Gathering - 2 Hrs
i) What is information gathering
a. Active information gathering
b. Passive information Gathering
ii) Understanding and relating the results of information gathering
iii) Web application enumeration
iv) Technological information of target
v) Network or mass ip scan
vi) Tools to be used for enumeration
4) Web application attacks – 1.30 hrs
i) Inspecting the URLs(robots.txt, sitemap.xml)
ii) XSS attack
iii) SQL injection attack
iv) Finding Admin console and directory enumeration
v) Default login and credentials
vi) Finding hidden directories
vii) Automating the injection attack
viii) Important tools for injection attacks
5) Buffer Overflow - 2.30 hrs
i) Understanding stack, basic Registers functions
ii) ESP,EBP and EIP working as practical standpoint
iii) Windows Buffer overflow
iv) Linux buffer overflow
v) Immunity and edb tool to identify overflow
vi) Getting a shell
6) Client Side attack – 1 Hours
i) Knowing the target
a. Passive and Active client information gathering
ii) Leveraging HTML application
a. HTA attack
iii) Leveraging office tools
a. Leveraging macros to gain reverse shell
7) Finding the public exploit – 30 minute
i) Searching for exploit
ii) Online resources for exploit
iii) Precaution while choosing the exploit
8) Fixing the exploit – 30 minute
i) Fixing memory corruption
ii) Fixing web Exploits
9) File transfer – 1 Hours
a. From windows to linux
b. From linux to windows
c. From kali to exploited machine
10) Antivirus evasion – 30 minutes
a. What is antivirus solution
b. Method of detecting the malicious code
c. Bypassing the antivirus
11) Privilege escalation 1.3 hrs
a. Windows privilege escalation
i. Manual Enumeration
ii. Automated Enumeration
iii. Example of privilege escalation
b. Linux privilege escalation
i. Manual Enumeration
ii. Automated Enumeration
iii. Examples
12) password attacks – 1 Hour
a. Wordlists
b. Standard wordlists
c. Brute force
d. Common network service attack
e. Using Password hashes
13) Port Redirection and tunnelling - 1 Hour
a. What is port forwarding and tunnelling
b. Port Forwarding types
c. Leveraging SSH for port forwarding
14) Active directory – 1 Hour
a. Understanding Active Directory
b. Enumeration
c. Authentication
d. Lateral Movement
e. Persistence
15) Metasploit framework– 1 hour
a. Familiarity with UI and setup
b. Auxiliary modules
c. At what level Metasploit should be used w.r.t Offensive Security Pentest
d. Metasploit Payloads
e. Post exploitation with Metasploit
f. Metasploit Automation
16) PowerShell Empire – 1 hour
a. Configuration & Setup
b. Empire Agent basics
c. PowerShell Modules
17) Gaining real insight -2 hour
a. Targeting the Web application
b. Targeting the database
c. Enumeration of webserver
d. Targeting the database again and gaining the reverse shell
e. Targeting the windows using Juicy Potato
18) Trying Labs – 30 minute
a. Real life simulations
b. Unlocking networks
c. Firewall/routers/NAT
d. Passwords
19) Out of box thinking for attacking a target – 15 minute
a. Targeting application or host with no know exploits
b. Configuring the technology on your own system to gain access
20) Summary – 15 minute
a. Wrapping up
b. All the best